Our Parish
The parish of St Newman is four Catholic Churches working together, as we follow Christ, seeking to serve the people of Bilston, Darlaston, Willenhall and Wolverhampton (East Park) under the Patronage of St. John Henry Newman.
They are a diverse group of people of different backgrounds and different ages who are brought together day by day and week by week, as they seek to live out the Catholic Faith in its fullness.
You can visit the website of the Cluster by clicking this link: https://www.stnewmanparish.org/
You may like to visit their Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/StNewmanParish/
which also has the latest information about the Cluster.

Parish Vision
We are called to be a parish which is:
faithful to the mission
entrusted to us by Jesus Christ,
full of missionary disciples who
work together co-responsibly
in a vibrant community of faith,
joyful in our service of God and neighbour.
Holy Trinity, Bilston – The Catholic Archdiocese of Birmingham
Visit the website for The Archdiocese of Birmingham